Molecular and Immunological Characterization and Incidence Rate of Hydatid Cyst Isolated from Liver and Lungs for Human in Kurdistan Region, Iraq


  • Muslim babawat Duhok polytechnic university



Echinococcus granulosus; G1/G3 genotypes; human cystic echinococcosis; ELISA, immune response; Kurdistan region; Iraq


Objective: This study aimed to identify characteristics, location, cyst stage, and species/genotypes of Echinococcus granulosus s.l. complex in humans from the Kurdistan region, Iraq. Surgical removal of 25 echinococcal cysts from 22 patients in Dohuk and Zakho cities (January 2020 to December 2022) was analyzed.

Methods: Characteristics of 22 surgically confirmed cystic echinococcosis (CE) cases, including anatomical site, cyst fertility, and patient
demographics, were examined. Molecular analysis using mitochondrial NAD5 gene confirmed genotypes G1 or G3 of E. granulosus s.s.,
indicating sheep–dog–human transmission.

Results: Liver (78.6% fertile, 21.4% sterile) and lungs (81.8% fertile, 18.2% sterile) were the most common anatomical sites for CE in females (59.1%) compared to males (40.9%). All analyzed samples belonged to genotypes G1 or G3. No statistically significant correlation was found between genotypes and variables such as fertility, location, and cyst stage.

Conclusion: The study underscores the prevalence of genotypes G1 or G3 in the E. granulosus s.l. complex, confirming sheep–dog–human transmission in Kurdistan, Iraq. Recommendations include monitoring and control programs in sheep and dog populations and public health education campaigns to reduce the risk of acquiring CE in humans.


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How to Cite

babawat M. Molecular and Immunological Characterization and Incidence Rate of Hydatid Cyst Isolated from Liver and Lungs for Human in Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Iraq Med J [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];7(4). Available from:

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